The Profile - CD

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Box Set

2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile 2CD Biography & Interview

389 Kč Skladem
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
2CD/Box Set Kate Bush: The Profile
Obrázky pochází z

2CD Biography & Interview

The Profile Collection 29. srpna 2014 Velká Británie

Unofficial Release Compilation

Kate Bush: The Profile verze na 2CD/Box Setv standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství The Profile Collection dne 29. srpna 2014. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Non-Music, Pop Rock, Art Rock, Mluvené slovo a Interview.

ID: 382878 EAN: 0823564641621 Discogs ID: 9841157
- The Interview
1-1 - Let It Snow 10:00min
1-2 - Fifty Words For Producing 9:47min
1-3 - Laughing 9:33min
1-4 - Sense Of Loss, Sense Of Gain 9:48min
1-5 - This Woman's Computer 9:09min
1-6 - With Kate At Home 7:48min
1-7 - Kate's Cut 10:00min
1-8 - Fancy Footwear 5:42min
1-9 - The Seas And Skies Of Aerial 9:00min
1-10 - Welcome Back Kate! 2:00min
- The Unauthorised Biography
2-1 - Salome's Dance 4:52min
2-2 - Childhood Fairy Tales 5:17min
2-3 - A New Voice 6:07min
2-4 - Youth And Experience 5:31min
2-5 - The Lion's Den 5:14min
2-6 - Alone In The World 5:04min
2-7 - Out Of The Dark 5:43min
2-8 - The Forgotten Dream 5:11min
2-9 - The Company Of Wolves 6:12min
2-10 - A Woman's Journey 5:22min
2-11 - The Last Dance? 4:55min
2-12 - The Once And Future Queen 7:04min
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Kate Bush

Kate Bush
Kate Bush je známá britská zpěvačka, skladatelka a hudebnice, proslulá svým osobitým vokálním stylem a eklektickými hudebními skladbami. Její kariéra začala, když ji objevil David Gilmour z Pink Floyd, který jí pomohl získat smlouvu s EMI Records. Její debutový singl "Wuthering He...

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