Cry Pretty - Vinyl, CD

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LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR Pink Vinyl

989 Kč 2 týdny
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
LP Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR
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Pink Vinyl

Capitol Records Nashville 14. září 2018 Evropa

Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty CLR verze na vinylu LP v kolorované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Capitol Records Nashville dne 14. září 2018. Album lze řadit do žánru Folk, World, & Country. Pink Vinyl.

Album Coloured Vinyl
ID: 428810 EAN: 0602567693741 Discogs ID: 12546802
A1 Cry Pretty 4:07 min
Acoustic Guitar David Garcia (9), Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals, Vocals, Written-By Carrie Underwood | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Drums, Percussion Chris McHugh | Keyboards Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Written-By Hillary Lindsey, Liz Rose, Lori McKenna
A2 Ghosts On The Stereo 4:14 min
Acoustic Guitar, Bouzouki Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals Holly Williams | Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals Carrie Underwood | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Bass Tom Bukovac | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley | Keyboards Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Steve Hinson | Written-By Andrew Dorff, Hillary Lindsey, Tom Douglas
A3 Low 3:31 min
Acoustic Guitar Bryan Sutton | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Danny Rader | Keyboards, Programmed By Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Written-By Carrie Underwood | Written-By, Acoustic Guitar Hillary Lindsey | Written-By, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Programmed By David Garcia (9)
A4 Backsliding 4:38 min
Acoustic Guitar Bryan Sutton | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Drums, Programmed By, Keyboards, Backing Vocals, Written-By David Garcia (9) | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Danny Rader | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Written-By, Backing Vocals Hillary Lindsey | Written-By, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Carrie Underwood
A5 Southbound 3:23 min
Backing Vocals Amanda Lufburrow, Ivey Childers, Jenni Fairbanks | Backing Vocals, Written-By Josh Miller (16) | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley, Tom Bukovac | Electric Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Dobro, Acoustic Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Keyboards Dave Cohen (8) | Written-By, Backing Vocals Carrie Underwood | Written-By, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Backing Vocals David Garcia (9)
A6 That Song That We Used To Make Love To 3:36 min
Acoustic Guitar, Dobro Danny Rader | Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals Carrie Underwood | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley | Keyboards, Programmed By Dave Cohen (8), David Garcia (9), Fred Williams (2) | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Resonator Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Written-By Hillary Lindsey | Written-By, Keyboards, Programmed By Jason Evigan
B1 Drinking Alone 4:18 min
Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Dobro Danny Rader | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley, Tom Bukovac | Keyboards, Programmed By Dave Cohen (8) | Written-By Brett James | Written-By, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals Carrie Underwood | Written-By, Keyboards, Programmed By, Acoustic Guitar David Garcia (9)
B2 The Bullet 4:11 min
Acoustic Guitar Bryan Sutton | Backing Vocals Hillary Lindsey | Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals Carrie Underwood | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley | Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Danny Rader | Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Programmed By David Garcia (9) | Keyboards Charles Judge | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Programmed By Sarah Emily Berrios | Written-By Allen Shamblin, Andy Albert, Marc Beeson
B3 Spinning Bottles 3:16 min
Cello Austin Hoke | Keyboards Dave Cohen (8) | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Written-By Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey | Written-By, Keyboards David Garcia (9)
B4 Love Wins 3:49 min
Acoustic Guitar Danny Rader | Backing Vocals Dave Barnes, Perry Coleman, Vicki Hampton, Wendy Moten | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Cello Carole Rabinowitz | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley, Tom Bukovac | Keyboards, Programmed By Dave Cohen (8) | Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Viola Kristin Wilkinson | Violin David Angell, David Davidson | Written-By, Acoustic Guitar, Keyboards, Programmed By David Garcia (9) | Written-By, Backing Vocals Brett James | Written-By, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals Carrie Underwood
B5 End Up With You 3:13 min
Acoustic Guitar Ilya Toshinsky | Drums Nir Zidkyahu | Electric Guitar Rob McNelley | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Percussion Chris McHugh | Percussion, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Programmed By David Garcia (9) | Percussion, Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Carrie Underwood | Written-By Brett McLaughlin | Written-By, Backing Vocals Hillary Lindsey | Written-By, Programmed By, Keyboards Will Weatherly
B6 Kingdom 4:35 min
Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin Ilya Toshinsky | Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals, Written-By Carrie Underwood | Bass Jimmie Lee Sloas | Cello Carole Rabinowitz | Drums Chris McHugh | Electric Guitar Danny Rader, Rob McNelley | Keyboards, Programmed By Dave Cohen (8), David Garcia (9), Fred Williams (2) | Pedal Steel Guitar Dan Dugmore | Viola Kristin Wilkinson | Violin David Angell, David Davidson | Written-By Chris DeStefano, Dave Barnes
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CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty 2018

267 Kč Týden
CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty
CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty
CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty
CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty
CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty
CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty
CD Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty
Obrázky pochází z

Capitol Records Nashville 14. září 2018 Evropa

Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty verze na CD v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství Capitol Records Nashville dne 14. září 2018. Album lze řadit do žánru Folk, World, & Country.

ID: 405273 EAN: 0602567673354 Discogs ID: 12570143
1 Cry Pretty 4:07 min
Written-By Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Liz Rose, Lori McKenna
2 Ghosts On The Stereo 4:13 min
Written-By Andrew Dorff, Hillary Lindsey, Tom Douglas
3 Low 3:31 min
Written-By Carrie Underwood, David Garcia (9), Hillary Lindsey
4 Backsliding 4:37 min
Written-By Carrie Underwood, David Garcia (9), Hillary Lindsey
5 Southbound 3:22 min
Written-By Carrie Underwood, David Garcia (9), Josh Miller (16)
6 That Song That We Used To Make Love To 3:35 min
Written-By Hillary Lindsey, Jason Evigan
7 Drinking Alone 4:18 min
Written-By Brett James, Carrie Underwood, David Garcia (9)
8 The Bullet 4:10 min
Written-By Allen Shamblin, Andy Albert, Marc Beeson
9 Spinning Bottles 3:16 min
Written-By Carrie Underwood, David Garcia (9), Hillary Lindsey
10 Love Wins 3:48 min
Written-By Brett James, Carrie Underwood, David Garcia (9)
11 End Up With You 3:13 min
Written-By Brett McLaughlin, Hillary Lindsey, Will Weatherly
12 Kingdom 4:34 min
Written-By Carrie Underwood, Chris DeStefano, Dave Barnes
Bonus Track
13 The Champion 3:42 min
Featuring Ludacris | Producer Jim Jonsin | Written-By Brett James, Carrie Underwood, Chris DeStefano, Christopher Bridges
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Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood
Carrie Underwood je americký country zpěvák, skladatel a hudební producent, který se proslavil jako vítěz čtvrté řady soutěže "American Idol" v roce 2005. Díky svému debutovému singlu "Inside Your Heaven" se stala jedinou countryovou umělkyní, která debutovala na prvním místě žebř...

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