Spiceworld - Vinyl, CD

Album dostupné na vinylu (LP) a CD v celkem 5 vydáních. Album Spiceworld vyšlo v roce 1997 jako druhé album skupiny Spice Girls . Album zaznamenalo obrovský úspěch a prodalo se ho více než 20 milionů kopií po celém světě. Z alba vzešlo několik hitových singlů, včetně "Wannabe", "2 Become 1" a "Spice Up Your Life". Album se stalo popovou senzací a pomohlo definovat popový zvuk 90. let. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Latinská hudba, Balada, Pop Rock, Synth-pop a Europop.

Dostupné v 5 vydáních


LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 LTD | PIC Picture Disc 25th Anniversary Limited Edition Vinyl

997 Kč Skladem

Picture Disc 25th Anniversary Limited Edition Vinyl

UMC | EMI 4. listopadu 2022 Evropa, UK a USA

Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 LTD | PIC verze na vinylu LP v limitované Picture Disc edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě, UK a USA ve vydavatelství UMC ve spolupráci s EMI dne 4. listopadu 2022.

Limitovaná edice legendárního alba na stylovém vinylu

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Latinská hudba, Balada, Pop Rock, Synth-pop a Europop. Picture Disc 25th Anniversary Limited Edition Vinyl.

Album Limited Edition Picture Disc Reissue
ID: 390311 EAN: 0602445499618 Discogs ID: 25045072
A1 Spice Up Your Life 2:53 min
A2 Stop 3:24 min
A3 Too Much 4:31 min
A4 Saturday Night Divas 4:25 min
A5 Never Give Up On The Good Times 4:30 min
B1 Move Over 2:46 min
B2 Do It 4:04 min
B3 Denying 3:46 min
B4 Viva Forever 5:09 min
B5 The Lady Is A Vamp 3:09 min
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LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD Clear Vinyl Limited Edition

959 Kč Na cestě
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD
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Clear Vinyl Limited Edition

EMI | UMC 4. listopadu 2022 Evropa

Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 CLR | LTD verze na vinylu LP v kolorované limitované edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě ve vydavatelství EMI ve spolupráci s UMC dne 4. listopadu 2022.

Popová klasika na vinylu Milovníci desek a fanoušci Spice Girls zpozorněte: Legendární britská dívčí skupina vydává v roce 2020 reedici svého alba "Spice World" a bestofky "Greatest Hits" na vinylu.

"Spice World" je druhým albem skupiny. Vyšlo 3. listopadu 1997 a přineslo hity jako "Spice Up Your Life!", "Too Much", "Stop" a "Viva Forever". Dosáhlo prvního místa v britské hitparádě a čtvrtého místa v Německu.

Do dnešního dne vyšel "Spice World" pouze jednou na vinylu: ve Velké Británii v roce 1997. Nyní je tato popová klasika konečně k dispozici na disku.

PS: Reedici vinylu "Greatest Hits" najdete zde.

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Latinská hudba, Balada, Pop Rock, Synth-pop a Europop. Clear Vinyl Limited Edition.

Coloured Vinyl Album Limited Edition Reissue
ID: 468828 EAN: 0602445499595 Discogs ID: 25050877
A1 Spice Up Your Life 2:53 min
Engineer [Additional] Jake Davies | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard | Programmed By [Additional] Pete Davis | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
A2 Stop 3:24 min
Brass The Kick Horns | Engineer Jeremy Wheatley | Guitar Milton McDonald | Instruments [All Instruments Except Brass & Guitar By] Absolute (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Absolute (2) | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
A3 Too Much 4:31 min
Arranged By [Strings] Stephen Hussey | Brass The Kick Horns | Engineer Paul Hicks | Engineer [Assisted By] Robbie Kazandjian | Guitar Milton McDonald | Instruments [All Instruments Except Brass & Guitar By] Absolute (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Jan "Stan" Kybert | Producer Absolute (2) | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Strings [Strings Performed By] Pure Stringz | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
A4 Saturday Night Divas 4:25 min
Engineer [Additional] Jake Davies | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard | Programmed By [Additional] Magnus Fiennes, Pete Davis | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
A5 Never Give Up On The Good Times 4:30 min
Arranged By [Strings] Anne Dudley | Bass Guitar Steve Lewinson | Engineer [Additional] Jake Davies | Flute Snake Davis | Guitar Shawn Lee | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard | Programmed By [Additional] Magnus Fiennes, Pete Davis | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
B1 Move Over 2:46 min
Engineer [Additional] Jake Davies | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard | Programmed By [Additional] Pete Davis | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Clifford Lane, Mary Wood, Spice Girls
B2 Do It 4:04 min
Engineer Jeremy Wheatley | Engineer [Assistant] Jan "Stan" Kybert | Guitar [Additional] Milton McDonald | Instruments [All Instruments Except Additional Keyboards And Programming & Additional Guitar By] Absolute (2) | Keyboards [Additional Keyboards], Programmed By [Additional Programming By] Magnus Fiennes | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Absolute (2) | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
B3 Denying 3:46 min
Bass Paul "Tubbs" Williams | Engineer Jeremy Wheatley | Engineer [Assistant] Jan "Stan" Kybert | Guitar Milton McDonald | Instruments [All Instruments Except Bass & Guitar By] Absolute (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Absolute (2) | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
B4 Viva Forever 5:09 min
Acoustic Guitar John Themis | Arranged By [Strings] Anne Dudley | Engineer [Additional] Jake Davies | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard | Programmed By [Additional] Pete Davis | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
B5 The Lady Is A Vamp 3:09 min
Arranged By [Orchestral Arrangement] Steve Sidwell | Engineer Jeremy Wheatley, Mark Tucker | Engineer [Assistant] Jan "Stan" Kybert, Steve Pelluet | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assistant] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Producer Absolute (2) | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
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LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 180g Vinyl

757 Kč Skladem
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld
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180g Vinyl

Virgin | UMC 13. března 2020 Evropa a UK

Spice Girls: Spiceworld verze na vinylu LP v standardní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Evropě a UK ve vydavatelství Virgin ve spolupráci s UMC dne 13. března 2020.

„Spice up your life,” the Spice Girls advise on the first single from Spiceworld, their second album, which was made quickly to capitalize on the movie of the same name. If that sounds more like an advertising slogan than a call for variety, solidarity, and fun, it's not the only time the disc echoes the language of a carefully planned campaign: The chorus of „Move Over” is built around the phrase „Generation Next,” the rallying cry of the Brits' Pepsi spot. And if, in turn, you come to the conclusion that this record isn't nearly as much fun as its predecessor, you're right. Any question about the creative input of Scary, Posh, Baby, Ginger, and Sporty into their own music is moot; like „Candle in the Wind 1997,” Spiceworld was made to be bought, not listened to. Sure, they trade vocals this time, leaning less on the Bananarama-style gang approach of their debut, and yeah, the Motown-lite confection „Stop” doesn't exactly hurt the ear, but this disc is ultimately a bigger insult than anything a bunch of diehard anarchists such as Chumbawamba could imagine--without the kick of „Tubthumping.” It also ends on a note so jarring as to settle the group firmly in the avant-garde with the fake-lounge „Lady Is a Vamp,” which unfortunately praises Jackie O and Marilyn Monroe in the same verse, then ups the ante with a shout-out to Sandy Denny(!) as a Spicy role model. All together now: Uh huh. --Rickey Wright

Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Pop, Elektronická hudba, Latinská hudba, Balada, Pop Rock, Synth-pop a Europop. 180g Vinyl.

Album Reissue
ID: 34059 EAN: 0602508119378 Discogs ID: 14827807
A1 Spice Up Your Life 2:53 min
Engineer [Additional] Jake Davies | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Pete Davis | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
A2 Stop 3:24 min
Brass The Kick Horns | Engineer Jeremy Wheatley | Guitar Milton McDonald | Instruments Absolute (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
A3 Too Much 4:31 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By] Stephen Hussey | Brass The Kick Horns | Engineer Paul Hicks | Engineer [Assisted By] Robbie Kazandjian | Guitar Milton McDonald | Instruments Absolute (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Jan "Stan" Kybert | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Strings Pure Stringz | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
A4 Saturday Night Divas 4:25 min
Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Magnus Fiennes, Pete Davies | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
A5 Never Give Up On The Good Times 4:30 min
Arranged By [Strings Arranged By] Anne Dudley | Bass Guitar Steve Lewinson | Flute Snake Davis | Guitar Shawn Lee | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Magnus Fiennes, Pete Davies | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
B1 Move Over 2:46 min
Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Pete Davies | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Clifford Lane, Mary Wood, Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
B2 Do It 4:04 min
Engineer Jeremy Wheatley | Engineer [Assisted By] Jan "Stan" Kybert | Guitar [Additional] Milton McDonald | Instruments Absolute (2) | Keyboards [Additional], Programmed By Magnus Fiennes | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
B3 Denying 3:46 min
Bass Paul "Tubbs" Williams | Engineer Jeremy Wheatley | Engineer [Assisted By] Jan "Stan" Kybert | Guitar Milton McDonald | Instruments Absolute (2) | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
B4 Viva Forever 5:09 min
Acoustic Guitar John Themis | Arranged By [Strings Arranged By] Anne Dudley | Engineer [Additional] Jake Davies | Keyboards, Programmed By Matt Rowe | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Pete Davies | Recorded By, Engineer Adrian Bushby | Written-By Matt Rowe, Richard Stannard, Spice Girls
B5 The Lady Is A Vamp 3:09 min
Arranged By [Orchestral Arrangement By] Steve Sidwell | Engineer Jeremy Wheatley, Mark Tucker | Engineer [Assisted By] Jan "Stan" Kybert, Steve Pelluet | Mixed By Mark Stent | Mixed By [Assisted By] Paul 'P-Dub' Walton | Programmed By [Additional] Mike Higham | Written-By Andy Watkins, Paul Wilson, Spice Girls
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2LP Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 LTD Limited Edition Vinyl

697 Kč Na objednávku

2CD Spice Girls: Spiceworld 25 LTD | DLX 25th Anniversary Limited Deluxe Edition

757 Kč Skladem

Spice Girls

Spice Girls
The Spice Girls je britská popová dívčí skupina, která vznikla v roce 1994 a má pět členek: Melanie Brown , Melanie Chisholm , Emma Bunton , Geri Halliwell a Victoria Beckham . Celosvětovým fenoménem se staly díky svému debutovému singlu "Wannabe" z roku 1996, který se dostal na pr...

Poštovné od 69 Kč

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